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Elisabeth Kübler Ross

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C'l artìcol chè 'l è scrit in Carpśàn Emiliàn

L′Elisabeth Kübler Ross (Śurîg, 8 ed lùj 1926Scottsdale, 24 'd agòst dal 2004) l'era stèda na dotorèsa, psichiàtra e insgnànta śvìsra ed Medśèina comportamentêl.

La Kübler Ross la vin cunsiderèda la fundadóra dla psiculugìa dla mort, e ùna di più cgnusû studiōś 'd c'ma fèr fròunt a cl argumèint lè p'r al pasiìnt e p'r i famigliêr e i amîg edla persòuna chèra ch'la mōr.

Dôp 'd avér studiê in Śvisra, in dal 1958 la Kübler Ross la se spustèva in di Stêt Unî, indû la lavurèva dimòndi tèimp in 'n uspidêl ed New York.
Dôp del só esperiìnsi ed cura coi malê terminèl, la Kübler Ross la scrivìva al liber "La morte e il morire" pubblichê in dal 1969, ch'al la mitìva davànti a tùt per la cgnusìnsia ed c'm'a s à da tōr la mort 'd na persòuna chèra quand a s egh sufrìs trôp.

La Kübler Ross l'ìva catê che i agìnt i pōl'n avér-egh sinc manéri ed tōr la nutìsia dla mort ch'l'è drē a gnìr, manéri ch'i s'armìsćen e minga sèimper ùna drē cl'ètra:

  • La negasiòun (denial and isolation): al malê al mèt avànti tùt i dùbi pusìbil p'r an crèder che la nutìsia la sia véra.
  • L'arlìa (anger): a sèlta fóra l'arlìa per quêl ch'a n'parrèv mìa giùst.
  • Al gnìr śò a pât (bargaining): perchè an pruvèr a pór rimédi a quêl ch'a 'rmàgn?
  • La depresiòun (depression): na tolta śò vertichèl.
  • L'acetasiòun (acceptance): intimitê cun sè stès e coi famigliêr.

La Kübler Ross difât la vliva catèr i rimédi e 'l manéri mijóri ed superèr el soferèinsi psìchichi, dôp che fìśichi, che l'idèa dla mòrt la 't bùta adôs.

Vōś lighèdi

Soquànti só publicasiòun

  • On Death & Dying, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1969
  • Questions & Answers on Death & Dying, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1972
  • Death: The Final Stage of Growth, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1974
  • Questions and Answers on Death and Dying: A Memoir of Living and Dying, Macmillan, 1976. ISBN 0-02-567120-0.
  • To Live Until We Say Goodbye, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1978
  • The Dougy Letter -A Letter to a Dying Child, (Celestial Arts/Ten Speed Press), 1979
  • Quest, Biography of EKR (Written with Derek Gill), (Harper & Row), 1980
  • Working It Through, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1981
  • Living with Death & Dying, (Simon & Schuster/Touchstone), 1981
  • Remember the Secret, (Celestial Arts/Ten Speed Press), 1981
  • On Children & Death, (Simon & Schuster), 1985
  • AIDS: The Ultimate Challenge, (Simon & Schuster), 1988
  • On Life After Death, (Celestial Arts), 1991
  • Death Is of Vital Importance, (Out of Print- Now The Tunnel and the Light), 1995
  • Unfolding the Wings of Love (Germany only - Silberschnur), 1996
  • Making the Most of the Inbetween, (Various Foreign), 1996
  • AIDS & Love, The Conference in Barcelona, (Spain), 1996
  • Longing to Go Back Home, (Germany only - Silberschnur), 1997
  • Working It Through: An Elisabeth Kübler-Ross Workshop on Life, Death, and Transition, Simon & Schuster, 1997. ISBN 0-684-83942-3.
  • The Wheel of Life: A Memoir of Living and Dying, (Simon & Schuster/Scribner), 1997
  • Why Are We Here, (Germany only - Silberschnur), 1999
  • The Tunnel and the Light, (Avalon), 1999
  • Life Lessons: Two Experts on Death and Dying Teach Us About the Mysteries of Life and Living, with David Kessler, Scribner, 2001. ISBN 0-684-87074-6.
  • On Grief and Grieving: Finding the Meaning of Grief Through the Five Stages of Loss, with David Kessler. Scribner, 2005. ISBN 0-7432-6628-5.
  • Real Taste of Life: A photographic Journal

Noti e referèinsi

Colegamèint estèren

  • (EN) Al liber "On Death and Dying: What the Dying Have to Teach Doctors, Nurses, Clergy and their own families" alśìbil per na pêrt in dal Google Books.